2013 Edition: “Sometimes they come back”

The XVII edition of the International Festival “Isole che parlano” will take place from the 9th to the 15th September.
The event, edited by Nanni and Paolo Angeli and organized by Associazione Sarditudine, will overcome the boundaries of Palau in order to celebrate some important coproductions with Pragma Eventi and Cultura (Arzachena), La Maddalena Archipelago National Park (the concert on the Island of Spargi) and Time in Jazz.

The program presents many absolute premieres, centred on the theme ‘…Sometimes they come back’: the best of what has been proposed by Isole che Parlano in tune with the artists who are the guests of the event for the first time. Yet, the real Ariadne thread will be the rhythm, revisited by the protagonists in its tribal component or in a contemporary key, producing a synthesis of the ever-changing breath that has characterized the festival in the last 17 years.



Si apre con la tre giorni Isole che Parlano…ai bambini e ai ragazzi, laboratori arte-infanzia ideati e coordinati da Alessandra Angeli (tra il 9 e l’11 settembre, con saggio finale l’11 alle 21, al Cineteatro Montiggia). I più piccoli saranno introdotti alla ritmicità da Pasquale Mirra (laboratorio I linguaggi che uniscono) e dall’Omo Ritmo Luigi Lullo Mosso (spettacolo in piazza di Chiesa martedì 10 alle 21), mentre del passo del tempo nell’adolescenza si occuperà Cinzia Cometti con I teatri della memoria. Tante le attività a misura di bambino, tra cui la mostra Cosa mangio? Cibi sani nella mia cucina e la premiazione del corto d’animazione Fatti di Pane che ha portato i bambini di Palau alla ribalta internazionale.
Quindi spazio dedicato alla fotografia. Isole che Parlano incontra e dialoga con Mario Dondero, una delle più grandi personalità del fotogiornalismo italiano. Dondero esporrà la mostra A proposito di Robert Capa e in riflessioni sull’etica di un mestiere si racconterà e ci farà rivivere la storia attraverso la lente della sua macchina fotografica (giovedì 12, alle 21.30).


The starting moment will be the three-day “Isole che parlano ai bambini e ai ragazzi’, the infancy-art laboratories designed and coordinated by Alessandra Angeli (from the 9th to the 11th September, with the final show on the 11th at 9 p.m. at Cineteatro Montiggia). During the laboratories, the youngest children will be introduced to the rhythm by Pasquale Mirra (the lab “The languages that unite”) and by Omo Ritmo Luigi Lullo Mosso (his performance is in the square of the Church on Tuesday 10th at 9p.m.). Cinzia Cometti will introduce the adolescents to the steps of time with her ‘The Theatres of Memory’. There will be many activities offered to the children: the exhibition “What do I eat? Healthy Food in my Kitchen”, and the Prize Ceremony of “Made of Bread’, the animation corto which has taken the children of Palau to the international arena.

There will then be the space devoted to photography. Isole che Parlano will meet and dialogue with Mario Dondero, one of the greatest personalities in the Italian photojournalism. Dondero will exhibit “A’ propos of Robert Capa”; in his reflections on the ethics of the craft, the photographer will narrate to us and make us re-experience history through the lens of his camera (Thursday 12, 9.30)

The triad ‘man-art-nature’ synthesises the poetics which orients the Festival, which has the square as its location only once, and takes the sounds throughout the City of Palau, natural monuments, lighthouses, beaches, rural areas, archaeological sites (Palau and Arzachena), and the Island of Spargi (Archipelagos of La Maddalena) Through the inscription of its performances inside the territories, the Festival supports and realizes a form of cultural and sustainable tourism.

To the audience the Festival presents a high quality of artistic proposals, some unique environments for its concerts, the themes offered in its exhibitions, and the creative activities of its laboratories.
In this edition, just like in the past ones, contemporary Sardinia confronts the society, and opens itself to a boundless geographical map, linking in an ideal bridge, the Gallurese interior, the territory of Palau, Arzachena and the Archipelagos of La Maddalena to the great European capitals


 The way will be opened by the harmonic and diaphonic chant of Enkhjargal Dandarvaanchig, the famous Epi (Mongolia) present at the Festival as the leader of the workshop on the technique of diphonia, and in the solo concert at Tomba dei Giganti, Coddhu Vecchju in Arzachena, on the 12nd September at 6.30 p.m.
The crystalline sweetness of vibraphonist Pasquale Mirra will give sound to the backwash of Cala Martinella on Friday 13, at 11. To follow there will be the jazz pulsation of one of the most important contemporary drummers, the Sultan of Illinois Hamid Drake (6.30 p.m. Tomba dei Giganti li Mizzani). At 9.30 p.m. there will be the unreleased concert at Punta Palau lighthouse, sonorized by griot Landiné Kouyaté, the virtuous instrumentist of Mali who will exhibit in duo with Pasquale Mirra. You cannot miss the meeting Suoni di leghi on Saturday 14th at 11, in the little rural church of san Giorgio: Kouyatè and Ttukunak will explain the similarities and differences in the usage of percussions in Mali and in Basque countries.
We will have the dancing of Cussertu Cùcuru and Luna de Torpé as exponents of our traditional music. The meeting is at 5 p.m. at the bottom of Roccia dell’Orso:
it follows the terzinato à la sarda of Maestri Campanari Sos Jacanos de Sardigna in the square of the Church at 9 p.m.
The ancestral beat of txalaparta percussed by the twins Sara e Maika Gòmez (Euskadi-Spain) will be the protagonist of the evening in Square Fresi at 10 p.m. in the engaging tat tam for Isole coproduction with Time in Jazz, which sees Ttukunak, Hamid Drake and Lansiné Kouyaté on the same stage.
Great expectation is for the final concert on Sunday the 15th: The Spargiani, at the sunset in Cala Corsara on the Island of Spargi, a coproduction with Ente Parco, which will see the drummer Hamid Drake and the guitarist Paolo Angeli once again together.

Isole che parlano is organized by Associazione Sarditudine with the contribution of City Hall Palau, Fondazione Banco di Sardegna, Banca di Sassari-Conosciamoci meglio, Pragma eventi culture, Ente Parco dell’Arcipelago di La Maddalena.

The festival is supported by important sponsorships, among which Cni of Unesco and the collaboration of Isre and Radio 3 Rai




…the program


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